Thursday, January 14, 2021

Cobra King

Cobra King

life in junior high is like a jungle

its hot and humid like a real jungle
every guy is trying to prove to every girl
that he’s God’s gift of every girl

there’s the feeling that I don’t care for
this tight competition of what’s expected of you
the sexual energy in the air that can be seen outside the door
its like seeing different shades of red and decide which hugh
its like a school of cobras breeding and fighting over the other

raspidy mouth wide open
pending fangs of rage
destructive eyes that plunder
nothing much more than the sound of thunder
hunted down in a cage

watch out for my bite
for you there is nothing better than the night

cobra king
bloody fang
cobra king
bloody fang
eyes of danger

you can see a boy as he does something sweet
its valentine’s day and he becomes a man as he gives a girl roses
he becomes a man and the others can see that
they laugh at him, call him names and have him beat
he feels humiliated, sad as he loses
loses the love of his life and feels like a gnat

the girl moves on and feels nothing for him
the snakes have won and look upon their leader to take him
there’s no way out and there’s no escape from this prison
the eight hours of hell to endure before the last lesson
the last buzzer ring until he can jump on the bus before he’s done
just five more years until he’s done

raspidy mouth wide open
pending fangs of rage
destructive eyes that plunder
nothing much more than the sound of thunder
hunted down in a cage
watch out for my bite
for you there is nothing better than the night

cobra king
bloody fang
cobra king
bloody fang

cobra king
bloody fang
cobra king
bloody fang
eyes of danger

I can hear the rattles of my body
as I prepare to defend myself
I feel angry as I lash out to destroy everybody

destructive persuasive distractive
all these meanings are very possessive
I slither my way out to you
like a rope of death as I try to kill you

raspidy mouth wide open
pending fangs of rage
destructive eyes that plunder
nothing much more than the sound of thunder
hunted down in a cage
watch out for my bite
for you there is nothing better than the night

cobra king
bloody fang cobra king
cobra king
bloody fang cobra king

cobra king
bloody fang cobra king
cobra king
bloody fang cobra king
eyes of danger

"Cobra King"
Red and Blue Dragon Fantasy LLC. 
Ryan Keith Johnson 
Copy Right 2012 
All Rights Reserved. 

Available on Red Dragon Fantasy: Song Lyrics and Poetry and 'The Legacy Anthology" 
Also available on the Kindle. 

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